Find out more about our CINDEX committees, a forum for promoting international mobility.

Security Commission

« The International Security Commission allows the Security Managers of CINDEX members to quickly and confidently share their analyses and expectations on operational and immediate issues, as well as on longer term organizational themes.
The country risk table created in 2004 is the first common reference framework for all members.
It allows everyone to rely on an objective benchmark or to contact a colleague to further assess the situation. »
Laurent Mereyde

Human Ressources Commission

« Faced with the complexity of our world and the challenges of the decisions to be made, CINDEX comes to provide us with this precious space of professionalism and exchange.»
Nicolas de Poncins

«CINDEX is an essential partner on which to rely in order to understand the evolution of mobility challenges and to best meet the expectations of our mobile employees»
Nathalie Limet

Taxation Commission

« In the Taxation Committee, our members underline the relevance of the topics chosen and the speakers on Taxation, Social Security and Immigration.
The freedom of exchanges and the legal and technical watch allow us to always be connected with the operational world.»
Emmanuelle Gros

Health Commission

« The Health Commission allows professionals to listen to each other and exchange best practices in complete confidentiality.
It has shown all its strength in times of COVID.
I’m sure we still have a lot of relevant sharing to come. »
Vincent Feuillie